Monthly Archives: May 2013

Sliding Bifold Door to Rustic Chic Mirror: Part 2


mirror part 2

So I have decided to keep the wonderful pine frame bare instead of painting it white.  After a week of using them I love how the natural wood grain adds warmth to the room. Now when I go to home decor stores and see full length mirrors for $30-$100 it just makes me want to find more deals!

1 bifold door = 2 full length mirrors     $10
screwdriver to remove hardware          $free

Happy Thrifting.

Lamp Retrofit Part 1



Yet another weekend find. This weekend was extremely productive! I am excited for the rest of the summer.Moving on… I was looking around in a store that is made up of a bunch of mini consignment shops and found this all the way in the back behind lots of other wonderful antiques. It caught my eye because it looked old, ornate and solid. The best part of older items is the durability and strength of the materials – like heavy solid woods or heavy metal. So I picked it up and looked at the tag – only $20 (which I thought was cheap for a consignment store). The only catch was it needed to be rewired (you can see in the pictures the wire covering is cracking/falling off). When I got home I was very curious what the official name/era/price of this lamp and found its a 1920s bridge wrought iron floor lamp which is selling online anywhere from $50 to $150, so I am definitely up by at least $20. Score!

Next To Do:

1. rewire
2. clean/wipe down lamp
3. find a lamp shade

Coming soon: Part 2 & my “After” pictures.

Have a good week! and Happy Thrifting!


Next Project: Sliding Bifold Door to Rustic Chic Mirror
